It’s been a year (other than our brief attempt in the summer) since we shut down practices. Since then, we’ve had many new members join who are slaving away on their own. Supporting each other with training partners and groups is a major part of what makes H+P tick- and our new members are missing out on this!
So, here are some of our new members! Introduce yourself, make them feel welcome, and if you need a bubble training buddy and you see somebody at your ability, reach out to them. The time to suffer together will come, but hopefully this helps to tide us over in the meantime!
Sarah Heesaker
Current Ability: Likely between a 23-24 minute 5k.
Upcoming Goals: Long time goal of a sub 1:50 half marathon. Have run 2 in 1:51, but never sub 1:50. Hopefully when in person races return, it will happen!
Social: Insta. Strava
Ashley Hosker
Current ability – 5k – Around 23 minutes
Social: Strava
Current ability: 40 min 5k
What you are training for: Fitness. I did a lot of xcountry/track + martial arts in high school then paddled competitively in my undergrad, but since starting my phd, my health and overall fitness has fallen to the wayside. Hoping to pick things back up and build some healthy habits. Currently making my way up to a 10k following the c210k program.
Lori McIntosh
Current ability: Towing 2 kids in a bike trailer around town. PB’s of 19min 5k and a 1:40 half marathon, definitely a bit off that pace at the moment though.
Terry Labach
Current ability: 5k time is around 23:15.
Goals: I’d only run occasionally for general fitness before the pandemic, but with my gym mostly closed, I ran more and more to pick up the slack. My goals for 2021 are to run a 5k in under 23 minutes and 10k under 51 minutes (never having run a 10k race or time trial.)
Social: Strava
Phil Gunnewiek
Current ability: ~ 19:00 5k
Goals: sub 5 minute mile, maintain fitness for soccer, see what I’m capable of if I train for more than 2 months in a row
Sayaka Tiessen
Michael Stewart
Recently moved to Waterloo/ joined H+P Virtually
Current ability and goals: I’m in about 16-16:30 5k shape right now with no aim for my training other than being able to run Campus pizzas home before they get cold.. but I’m always down for a good sweat/ push and happy to meet new folks in the Waterloo running community!
Social: Strava
Lisa Stewart
Current ability and goals: I’m currently in about 19 minute shape (5km). I’m new to H+P and for now I’m looking forward to the H+P 3k this month and the virtual Sporting Life 10k, I don’t have any longer term plans right now and am just trying to stay in good shape.
Social: Strava
Suling Duong