It’s hard to believe it’s been so long since we’ve all been together in one big, massive, pain-inducing group! If feels like an eternity since we started making our initial COVID training plans. We definitely miss seeing you all!
At this point, as many of you know, numbers in the Waterloo Region are looking good in terms of total cases. With weather getting better and restrictions being lifted, it almost feels ridiculous not to be running together. However at this point, group size recommendations are set to 10 people (and really less is better). Given the size of our group, even with our best efforts to organize some sort of social distanced/ small group practice, it just wouldn’t be smart or the right thing to congregate in a group of 30-50 to do a workout at this point.
If you are a numbers person, you have probably seen that the R value (number of people expected to be infected by one infected person) for Ontario has dipped below 1 which is the goal to ensure total cases go down. However, in our area, it seems to be sitting above 1 (not scary, but definitely not a sign to accelerate opening). If you’re curious check out more here.
Long story short, we have plenty of reason to be optimistic. But, at the same time, we really shouldn’t be getting together in a group of 30-50 or any modified version of that! It puts us at risk, and really sets the wrong precedent for those around us and who watch us on social media and in person.
Our Plan:
So, for the month of July, our tentative plan is as follows (and we HOPE the opportunity to change this arises if we get new, positive information from public health):
(1) We will continue to provide 2 workouts/week virtually. The plan we provide will be for a fast fall 5K + a fast fall half or marathon.
(2) For these workouts and runs in general, based on the best evidence and public health recommendations, our “Run Solo” request definitely can be expanded to running with a few friends. If you do opt to do this, remember to maintain social distancing and everything that goes along with it. Is anybody else tired of hearing this yet?
(3) Over the next 4 weeks, we will gauge what options are available for fall racing. If it appears no official races of any capacity (i.e. small group options etc.) start to become obviously available, we will launch details of our next club-only race. Either way, you WILL have the chance to race in some capacity in the late summer/ early fall (the closer to real racing the better).
(4) In a week or two, we will start our COVID segment challenges again to keep things fun and competitive in a friendly way.
That’s it! Things may change, we hope things change, but we just wanted to give some sort of direction for the next month! Keep posting on social media, and keep grinding toward your goals and enjoying it as much as humanly possible!