H+P Don’t Call it a Comeback 8K!

Thanks to all who came out to the Don’t Call it a Comeback 8K!

The concept was simple:

  • Identify a clear reason why you can’t be at your best this spring
  • Chose an aggressive goal given the circumstances and chase it!

We were blown away with the response and the types of challenges people were facing.  Some of these include:

  • Cancer
  • Broken bones
  • Chronic injuries
  • Extended periods of time off
  • Getting hit by a car while cycling

Not all ended up hitting their time goal, but that was the point- whether you crushed your time or not, congrats on working hard and striving for better in less than ideal circumstances!


A huge thanks goes out to the My Next KW Home Group TEAM for the fuel and holding down the fort all day long.

We also have to thank Runners’ Choice Waterloo for their prizing!

So who is eligible for this prizing you ask? Here are our winners!










By |2024-05-05T08:39:28+00:00May 5th, 2024|Latest Articles, Latest News, Race Results|