The Holiday 5K Smash has come and gone! Thanks to all for being good sports, getting in the festive spirit and having some fun!
Some jogged it, some raced it, some did something in between. Either way, you can check out the full results HERE.
You can check out the full results in the women’s race HERE.
New H+Pers Alyssa and Emma went 1-2. Val was 3rd OA and our top masters runner. Heather wasn’t too far behind finishing in 4th OA and 2nd masters.
Men’s Results
You can check out the full men’s results HERE.
Coach Sean, Andrew of Runners Choice Waterloo and Graham Stonebridge went 1-2-3. Bruce Grant was our top masters athlete (18:25) with Luke being our second fastest in 18:44.
A huge thanks to NB Canada and My Next KW home group along with our volunteers for helping to make this event happen!
Costume voting coming soon in our Facebook group.
Onward to the holiday season and our next event in the New Year!