What a start is has been to the SVEC! There is still 7 days of racing and many talented athletes still ready to light up the course. Before more results trickle in, let’s see how things stack up after the first 2 days.
Half Marathon Individual Results:
So far, Janice Stonebridge is our top woman with Heather Dixon and Emily Hunter both going 2+ 3. These ladies also did it all of the events in about 24 hours so bonus points to them! Heather is also our top masters athlete thus far.
On the men’s side, Coach Sean, Graham Stonebridge and Ian G sit 1,2,3 with some of our fastest men still to come. On the masters side, it was a close one with Steve Tremblay in the lead for 1st, Jon Finn second, and Dave a mere 30s back in 3rd. Dave is also out top 50+ athlete at this point.
5K Individual Results:
At this point in the game, Luke holds the fastest masters time in 18:24. Dave sits 2nd in 19:17 with Steve Tremblay 3rd in 19:22. On the OA side, Coach Sean sits first with Jon Redfearn a mere 10s behind him for 2nd. Graham Stonebridge currently has the 3rd fastest time.
On the women’s side, Emily D sits in first with a time of 20:14. Rebecca is 2nd with a 21:07 and Janice sits third in 21:11. Heather once again is our top masters athlete in 22:17 so far.
Combined RUN event:
We are still waiting for many to complete this component of the event, but so far we have some interesting standings! Steve Tremblay was able to bounce back in the half to take the masters lead from Dave by just under 1 minute in total. Coach Sean sitting first, Graham Stonebridge is 2nd OA and Ian G (not in the chart yet) sets 3rd OA. Dave sits as out top 50+ athlete. Janice is our top female at this point. Heather Dixon is out top combined female masters athlete at this point. There was another insane close call between Sam Lalonde and Tim Colemen with Sam coming out on top by a mere 10s! David Wan and Peter were also extremely close with only 5s separating them!
Individual Cycling Event:
There’s still lots of cycling to go, but so far Luke sits on top with a strong 38.3K/h average speed. Jan sits second OA. Emily Hunter is the top female and sits 3rd OA as well! In the multi-sport combined event, we need way more people to finish to give us accurate results, but so far Luke E and Emily H sit comfortably in the lead in that event.
Whether you maxed it out or just did it for completion, well done everybody and thanks for helping to make the club and event more fun for all! What a great and motivating group of people we have!
Good luck to everybody who is still planning on tackling it over the next 7 days!