The 2024 H+P Arctic Mile has come and gone…and it was a blast!
First and foremost, check out the awesome PHOTOGRAPHY and VIDEO of the event. Thank you to Greg and Lydia for doing this for us!
As you know, the results of this event were age-graded, meaning those over the age of 30 got a chance to see “what could have been” had they put in the same effort and fitness in their prime. This really shook up the results for both men and women.
Check out the full AGE GRADED results HERE (and the actual finish times for comparison HERE).
In the men’s race, Michael Stewart won by quite a margin according to gun time, but when age-grading came into plan he barely squeaked out the win over Dave Rutherford who rocketed from 17th to 2nd OA.
Tristan and Erik also got major age-grading bumps, pushing them into the top 5 and ousting younger competitors ahead of them at the line.
In the women’s race, Lisa and Paula went 1-2 according to gun time AND after age grading was applied. Fortunately for them, they finished strong as Ivy was less than 10s back after the grading took place- she moved from 6th OA female all the way to 3rd.
And who did the age grading help the most you ask? Well, it’s not just who is the oldest. It’s about being past your prime but still fast enough to be in close proximity to tightly-clustered younger runners. Here’s a summary of who benefited the most/ would have smoked athletes in their prime:
And what about those who lost the most you say?? Well here you go!
We also have to give a huge pat on the back to Dana Fox– he is the epitome of grit, positivity and determination in the face of adversity and we were honoured and inspired to have him be a part of this event!
A huge thanks to our volunteers for helping to make this event run smoothly!
And of course, a massive thanks to My Next KW Home Group and Runners’ Choice for the extremely generous prizes (including $300 in prize money from RC!).
That’s it for now…onwards to the next!